So, there I was, lying on a beach in Mexico, living my life, when the Lord made it very clear to me that He was calling my husband Richard and me to worldwide missions. We didn't know how or when, but we knew WHY! We returned from that trip and launched Mission Equip.
MISSION EQUIP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our vision is to assist in the teaching and training of pastors in indigenous communities so that they would be better equipped to preach the Word, reach the lost, and start and grow healthy churches. Our long-term aspirations include establishing a Bible college. Until that happens, we will travel overseas two to four times per year to hold pastors training conferences and community outreach events in Cusco and in the Andean mountain region. We assembled a group of highly trained pastors from the United States who are equipped with excellent teaching skills and are willing to accompany us and teach at these conferences.
We have been able to continue performing our "day jobs" because the Lord has graciously permitted us to do so, therefore we have not needed to solicit funds to do this ministry until recently. However, we must seek funding to deploy teams to complete the objective as well as support for the task itself. For example, our pastors' conferences cost Mission Equip since we pay for the pastors' travel, housing, and meals during the conferences, as well as an offering for each pastor. Many of these pastors are impoverished and reside in the isolated mountain regions.
So, as I went about brushing my teeth with my favorite Nuskin toothpaste after we returned from Mexico, I realized I could earn money for the work and help send our teams throughout the world by selling my favorite skincare products and carefully sourced gifts and goods.
Currently, Mission Equip provides biweekly Bible studies in five mountain villages outside of Cusco, as well as two orphanages in Cusco. Our teams on the ground spread the gospel and aid with the provision of food, clothing, and other monthly necessities.
So, we are more than grateful for your purchase. I hope that you can see the purpose behind it.

A Few Facts about India
Thanks to YOUR purchases and our ministry partners,
the following work has been done and items purchased:
Continue to provide leadership and resources to equip, teach, and train indigenous pastors, who then host bibles studies and offer discipleship to indigenous communities.
Cultivation of the establishment of church plants across the region.
Host community outreach events to evangelize the Gospel and establish relationships in communities in Cusco and the surrounding Andean mountain regions. Mission Equip has shared the Gospel and Bible teaching, as well as provided warm coats, blankets, and socks, and other necessities to adults and children in the city of Cusco, the area mountain villages, and in two orphanages.
Ongoing collaboration with Churches and Individuals to carry out the Great Commission.
In the future, we are excited to help local pastors and believers develop companies in their own indigenous areas, and also create documentaries on missionaries and their mission work to unreached people groups.
thank you!
Unreached People Groups in India- 2,445
1/3+ World’s Unreached People live in India
Missionaries per Million People:
Latin America - 172 Missionaries per 1 Million people
Africa- 90 Missionaries per 1 Million people
India- 7 Missionaries per 1 Million people
Of all Missions support/money given, less than 1% goes toward missions in India