When Rich and I first started dating, he let me know right away that he didn’t know how or when -but he knew he was called back to the mission field. It was no surprise when the below stats were given to us - that The Lord was calling us to do “something”.
Missionaries per Million People;
Latin America- 172
Africa - 90
India - 7
Every mission field is difficult. And has its level of obstacles and are much needed. We are honored to have friends serving all over the world.
But, Y’all....India is hard. It is very expensive. It’s takes 2 days to get there. 2 days to get back, it isn’t glamorous. And is growing more and more dangerous for Christians especially in Northern India. Not to mention that the food is tough on some of our American tummies.
But we can’t relent -over 2300 unreached people groups are waiting for us.
And less than 1% of all money given to World Missions is directed toward India. More money is spent on Halloween Costumes..... for your pets.
We ask for your prayers as we head into one of the darkest areas of the world to share the gospel and to love on and encourage missionaries on the ground. We pray for wisdom to equip these indigenous pastors to take the WHOLE gospel back to their villages. We pray for supernatural ideas to equip these brothers and sisters in Christ with ideas of how to fund their individual ministries. Thank you soo much for your support and prayers in helping send us!!
