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India Update

Yesterday after Richard preached to about 40 pastors from surrounding villages. I was asked to give my testimony. On the spot. At first they asked us to sing a song...

Everyone assumes that I’m soo extroverted but stuff like this is really hard for me. I asked the Holy Spirit to give me words to these men whom I have nothing in common with -Revelation 7:9 came to my mind.

“ After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands”

And then I was reminded that I have everything in common with them that matters. While we may be here on earth today we will all be reunited one day.

And these men are soo honored in our hearts as they are going into places -really hard places- we need them to go to fulfill The Great Commission.

Later in the evening, We asked to be taken to a place we could buy a few gifts and to get to this market we had to ride motorcycles. Ummm, again wayyy outside my comfort zone. Our friend Ravi said- “you get lifetime achievement award today Sister Larkin. “

The girls at the orphanage learned the English word “super” today so they wanted me to touch everything on me to tell me how “super” it was. 

Something I’m seeing spark in me is my heart to educate these young kids. Educate them. Not Americanize them. We sat around the table with the team here, again, dreaming how we can make all this possible.

Until all have heard, may we ALL be obedient to play our part. Again, to those of you who have given to HIS work here-via prayer or finances-we are humbled to get to go. Thank you!



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